• Shows a clear and deep understanding of the theme;
  • Addresses all aspects of the task.
  • Shows an ability to analyze, compare, and contrast issues and events.
  • Writes a cohesive, cogent essay that uses a rich array of detail.
  • Summarizes key arguments and points made in the essay.
  • Includes a strong introduction and conclusion.


  • Understands the theme and defines it.
  • Discusses most aspects of the task. Theme is supported with accurate facts, examples, and details, but may be somewhat uneven in treatment.
  • Analyzes issues and events.
  • Writes a well-developed essay that includes many details.
  • Includes a good introduction and conclusion.


  • Presents an acceptable definition of the theme.
  • May fail to address all aspects of the task. Minimal factual errors may be present.
  • Is able to analyze issues and events, but not in any depth.
  • Writes a coherent essay with some detail.
  • Restates the theme in introduction and concludes with a simple restatement of the task.


  • Attempts to address the theme, but uses vague and/or inaccurate information.
  • Develops faulty analysis of theme.
  • Narrative goes off on tangents; essay lacks focus.
  • Has vague or missing introduction and/or conclusion.


  • Shows limited understanding of the theme; omits concrete examples. Details are weak or nonexistent.

  • Lacks an analysis of the issues and events beyond stating vague and/or inaccurate facts.

  • Strings random facts together in a weak narrative that lacks focus.
  • Has no introduction or conclusion.


  • Fails to address the theme.
  • Includes so many indecipherable words that no sense can be made of the response.
  • Blank paper.