Sociological Survey on Handicaps



Process Data Conclusion Links
How will people react to people of varying degrees of handicap? 

     Hey there, you have reached the home of our Sociological Survey on Handicaps.  At this site we have created, you can learn more about Sociology.  Theres more!  Help us by taking the survey, read the process, see the data for yourself, read our conclusion, and visit some more very cool places.

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How will people react to people of varying degrees of handicap? 

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  • Lend us a hand!

Fill out our survey, its fun and benefial.  Remember, Be Honest.

  • Have a look for yourself.

Are we just full of BS or is this real?  Click here to see our up to the minute data.

  • Wondering Why? 

If your interested in the process or what the real question is, this is the place for you. 

  • So what?

Click here to read our analysis or "conclusion".

Anything Else?

Not much else except for some very cool links, have a peek!

This Website created by Shagun  and Adam  for Sociology, taught by Peter Pappas at Pittsford Sutherland High School.

Project created and carried out by Shagun  and Adam .

Copyright © 2001-04, Peter Pappas, unless otherwise noted,
All rights reserved.