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Project Conclusion

The Student Survey revealed that an overwhelming majority of the student population had used alcohol.  The Parent's survey showed that a majority of parents either definitely knew about their kids alcohol usage or were pretty sure that their kids were using.  The favored belief among both parents and students was that about %50 of the High School uses alcohol.  Also %71 of students have been served alcohol by an adult.   However, interestingly enough not one parent surveyed said that they had ever served alcohol to any of their child's friends.

The two study groups disagree on what constitutes a drinking problem.   A majority of students believe that "Drinking before and after school" and no less was a drinking problem, while parents believed that drinking any alcohol at all in High School constituted a problem.

  The answer to the original research question was that the parents perception of the amount of alcohol usage in high school was fairly accurate.  Also the parents have different views on the acceptable usage amount. 

Some Problems:

-Dishonesty especially among the parents.  We feel that the students were honest when taking the survey due to the fact that we are also high school students and the data reflected what we see every day.

-Not a wide enough range of the survey subjects.  Of course the more people that take the survey the more accurate it is but we were somewhat limited as far as the time available.

-We found that it was harder to get parents to sit down and take the survey.  As a result we did not have as many parents as we did students.  We believe that even though the number of parents was low, the information that was given accurately presented the views that adults have generally.

                        -Pete and Nigel '00

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