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Project conclusions

           With the data now submitted and available for analysis, we have discovered that the majority of male subjects who participated in our study felt that “Carla,” our fictional teenage girl, was making the right decision when she consented to having sex.  Unlike the males however, the females generally agreed that Carla was making a mistake. 

            Our results confirm the general differences in the moral standards between men and women when given a situation dealing with teenage sex.  We believe it is fair to conclude that the men who participated in our survey exhibited a far lower moral standard concerning sex than the women.  While most men thought the situation was perfectly legitimate and healthy, most women felt Carla was too young to be having sex.  This fact eludes to the fact that while age might matter to women, it generally it does not with men.

If we decided to conduct this survey again, we agree it would have been beneficial had we had included a comment box for the participants to tell us their specific thought and feelings.  Had we been able to understand why they choose to answer the questions the way they did, we would have been able to draw more specific conclusions from our data.