






Most students at PSHS prefer comedies overall, therefore the typical stereotypes (guys like action and girls like romance) were not valid.  Kids in high school generally like the same movies:  ones  that make them laugh.

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We found out how hard it was to survey teenagers, especially males.  In general, guys did not take the survey seriously, and that caused an alteration in our results.  Also, people did not mark just one choice for many of the questions, therefore changing our results a bit.

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If we were to try the experiment again, there would be a need to increase the number of people surveyed.  There was not an adequate number of younger teens (ex:  freshmen and sophmores) surveyed, therefore it would be necessary to change that aspect of the experiment.  Also, more guys would have to surveyed for there were many more girl responses than guys. 

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Unfortunately, our survey did not turn out as we wished it had.  We had difficulties with the graphs and tables and analyzing our data.  It would be nice to do the experiment again, but we do not have another chance.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in our survey and everyone else who helped put it together.

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Copyright © 2001-04, Peter Pappas, unless otherwise noted,
All rights reserved.