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1. __Male__Female

2. Age:__14__15__16__17__18+
3. Movie Preference:

__Action __Comedy __Independent/Foreign  __Romance __Horror __Porn__Sci-Fi __Adventure __Cartoon

4. a) Number of Movies You Rent in a Month


B) What is the Rating on a Majority of the Movies you Rent?


5. A) Number of Movies you Go to at the Theater in a Month


What is the rating on a Majority of those Movies?


6. How old were you when you saw your First R-rated movie?


7. Scenario Question:  You're at Regal Cinemas.   The movie you came to see is sold out.   You have a choice between 2 movies, both of which you know nothing about, except one is rated R and the other is rated PG-13.  They both start in 7 and 1/2 minutes.   Which will you choose?

__ R-rated movie   __PG-13 Rated movie

8. Why do you go see a movie?

__Rating (G, PG, etc)    __Subject/Story        __Actors

__Public Opinion                         __Producer/Director

9. What type of movies do you think members of the opposite sex prefer?

__Action    __Comedy   __Independent/Foreign  __Romance  __Horror   __Porn   __Sci-Fi  __Adventure  __Cartoon

10. When was the last time you saw a Disney Movie?

__ Lots of Years Ago  __in the past Year  __Yesterday   __Never

Copyright © 2001-04, Peter Pappas, unless otherwise noted,
All rights reserved.