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Project conclusions

    We disproved that smokers are ostracized in today's society. The majority of people that smoke, think that the current laws are fair. Only 24% of smokers that we surveyed felt shunned from society. It was interesting to see that more of the non-smokers felt that smokers form relationships with each other (74% to 62%).  Perhaps a new survey could be given to find out if it is really the non-smokers that feel shunned.  Non-smokers agreed with smokers, as a majority, that smoking should be allowed in bars (as it is today).  Percentages were drastically different when it came to places such as sports stadiums and restaurants.  This is probably because non-smokers find smoking a disgusting habit and are turned off to enjoying their food or the even that they are attending.  The most interesting statistic among question number three, was that many agree that smoking should be allowed in school grounds for those of age.  This was allowed in the past, but as society changed it's view about smoking, so did the schools and workplaces.  In all, we found that smokers are okay with the habit that they have chosen and if not they can choose to quit.  They are not, on a regular basis, embarrassed of their habit or want to hide it.  Therefore, they are not ostracized.

From doing this project we learned how to develop a research question, gather information, analyze data and display our results on a web site. 

A success of the survey is that we learned how people feel about smoking and whether it is accepted in today's society. A problem we had was that our last question could have been more clear.  In order to get more accurate results we could have narrowed and regulated the group of people we surveyed.